Tuesday, January 15, 2013

You Don’t Have A Clue!

Goals and dreams provide amazing promise for your continued happiness in the future. They permit the opportunity to leap beyond where you are today and to stand on the next higher podium. Figuring out what you wanna do next is one of the most fun things you can do in life.

And, it can also be one of the most limiting things you can participate in as well.

Umm, say what?!?

See, here’s the thing. Some of the greatest ideas in the world have been stopped dead in their tracks prematurely. What a world we might have if those ideas were realized. And why weren’t the goals met? Because the innovator didn’t have a clue. That is, he or she didn’t have a clue on how to achieve the goal. And that lack of the how allowed them to think that the idea wasn’t possible. What a catastrophic limiting belief!

Every great achievement starts with a goal, an idea, a vision. Having the courage to accept and make a goal your own, even if you don’t have a clue of how to achieve it, is the ticket to success. It might sound like crazy talk, but it’s true. It’s OK to dream without a plan … for a while.

Of course you will need to eventually develop the action steps and accountabilities to make the goal a reality. The critical thing is, though, that you can’t allow the lack of a plan to kill an idea before it has a chance to bloom.

Toyota had the idea for the Prius hybrid long before they knew how to make it real. Apple had the idea for the iPhone prior to knowing what the user interface would look like. I knew I wanted to be a coach before I technically knew how to coach. Passion is step #1 – don’t let your ideas die there without giving them a chance.

Embrace the dream, find motivation to stay excited about it and then define the actions to make it possible.

Dare to dream big. Think outside the box. Wonder about the amazing possibilities. And be comfortable doing it and being clueless at the same time. Clarity will come when it’s time. And then you will be simply amazing!

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