Tuesday, April 16, 2013

People, It's Time for a Pep Talk

Many of you know that I am both outspoken and passionate about living a life built on a foundation of personal growth and goal achievement. Living a life with intention.

So recently, while doing research for a talk I was preparing on goal setting and daring to be amazing, i discovered what is measurably one of the best You Tube videos ever published. And I want to share it with you today. I guarantee you it will be the uplift to make whatever kind of day you are having turn into one of the best days you've had in a while. 

See here's the thing. Your day-to-day activities and priorities and distractions can occupy every thought and movement you have in a given day. And it can be so all encompassing that you might forget to focus on yourself and the impact you have on the world. You may forget to be awesome! As Kid President says in this video, "The world needs you to stop being boring. It's time to do something."

This young man is nine years old and from what I have read on the web, the idea for this video and it's script mainly was of his own doing. What a great kid. And boy, what a humbling reminder that if you allow ourselves to think like a kid sometimes, the solutions to your challenges may just come into a little bit better focus. Love this kid!

So now, I present to you, Kid President. It's time for your Pep Talk!!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-gQLqv9f4o

Ya know, what if there really are two paths in life and at those life changing moments when we have a choice? What if one path led to amazing and one just led to the same old, same old? Like the Kid, I wanna be on the road that leads to awesome!

What reason do you create for the world to dance? What would be your Space Jam?

And do you believe - I mean truly believe - with all your heart, that it is time for you to be amazing? If not now, then when? Seriously ... when? 

I believe that you truly have everything you need inside of you to create and live a bigger life than you do today. To jump beyond the boundaries that you have drawn for yourself in this life and show the world (and yourself) just what amazing means to you. On that growth path of life, if you aren't letting yourself be somewhat uncomfortable with how hard you are pushing, then you aren't pushing hard enough.

You have three choices in life and in anything that you make a possibility: Give Up, Give In or Give It All You Got Baby! Where are you right now!

As Hunter S. Thompson kinda once said, "Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, beer in one hand and a cigar in the other, body thoroughly used up and totally worn out, and screaming "Woohoo! What a Ride!" 

Maybe a bit extreme, but you get the point. Cautious is for when you are diving into swimming pools and merging onto freeways. Most other parts of your life have room for and a call for taking some risk to gain access to the greater reward. Aren't you worth it?

Your life is happening right here, right now. Make it amazing ... I dare ya!

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And don't forget to check me out on Twitter. I share a thought or two every day and also share some great insights from other thought leaders I trust and respect.

Thanks, and until next time, go ahead and Dare to be Amazing! What have you got to lose?

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