Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Just Exactly WHAT Is Your Story?

Did you ever want to be the lead character in a show?

How would you like to have a story written just about you?

Wouldn’t it be cool to be a movie star?

Well, guess what? It happens every day – you are a star! And, as a matter of fact, it is happening right now. You are the central character of an amazing story being told each minute of every day.

What in the world am I talking about?

Let me put it this way … it’s all in your head, man.

See, here's the thing. Everything that you do … everything that you say … everything that you think is possible or impossible. It is all playing out like a movie in your head. You write the script, you are the main star and you have ultimate control over the plot and how the story turns out. You are director, producer, writer and star.

It is my belief that our lives and our decisions and our fears play out in our own minds like a story. And many things influence the plots and storylines and chapters. Well, for example, things like our experiences, what others tell us is possible, and the dreams we have for ourselves and those around us.

What I am trying to say is this à the story in our mind is a representation of who we believe we are and whom we believe we can become. See yourself getting an “A” on your college test, and you probably have a chance of it happening. Envision that new job and the actions needed to make it a reality, and it just might come true. And – here’s the tricky part – if in your mind’s eye you see yourself doing a poor job on that meeting presentation at work, that is likely what will happen. It won’t go well.

It is not a perfect science or reality, but the stories we tell ourselves influence the way our lives turn out. Personally, I love being the star of my own story every day. I call it Eric’s Amazing Adventure!!

For example, just prior to going on stage or in front of an audience to give a talk, I close my eyes and see myself in my mind doing a kick-butt job and really engaging the audience. I feel their energy (and mine) and I see the smiles on their faces and on my face. I tell myself I am going to be amazing and that no matter what happens, I will get through it. I take a deep breath and open my eyes. It’s show time!

And it works …

What story is playing in your cranial movie theater? How can you re-write the script a bit to make your outcomes more aligned with your goals and dreams? Who’s help do you need to make sure the plot is precisely what you want it to be?

Think about it. Then get out your mental pen and start “writing” the story you deserve, the story you desire. I dare ya!

And, knowing you, the tale you tell yourself will be award winning indeed!

Your life is happening right here, right now. Make it amazing!

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