Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Listen Up People!

Listen Up People!

In my last leadership article, I shared ten traits of high performing leaders. With this issue, I would like to add an 11th critical trait for top leaders – listening.

Jim Cathcart says that listening is wanting to hear. Hmmm. Let that sink in for a moment. Dude, that’s deep. But he is right.

See, here’s the thing. Listening is not just waiting your turn to speak. Effective listening is giving your full attention to another.

Have you ever been talking with someone and you can just see it in his or her eyes that they can’t wait to say something. They are intently focused on one thing – you shutting up! There is no way they even know what you are saying, let alone care at all. They just don’t get how important listening is for any healthy relationship.

It is a great feeling as an employee to have a boss who is an effective listener. They not only hear what you have to say, but they also feel what you feel.

It is amazing what you can learn if you just shut your mouth and listen. Being present for your folks is an incredible gift to give, and it never grows old in their eyes. And there is a good chance they will emulate your behavior. Way cool!

Leadership is a privilege. Leadership is a commitment. And with leadership comes great responsibility to both the cause and the people. Always look for the next building block to make the structure stronger. Choose to be an amazing listener today.

Until next time, Go Ahead and Dare to be Amazing!!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Eric! Yep, listening beats speaking any day. Ahhh if most leaders could learn this....leading would be so much easier for them:)
    Thanks and keep 'em coming!!
