Wednesday, July 25, 2012



Life is a never-ending continuum of goal setting, action taking and goal achievement. Some goals are relatively easy to achieve and some are a true investment of mental or physical energy as well as time. No matter how big or small, successfully achieving a goal is worthy of a celebration. WOOHOO!! It feels sooo goooood!

The tough truth of the matter is, though, you only get to celebrate the goals that you have the guts to attempt. Kinda silly to pop the cork on the champagne just because you have an idea of what you’d LIKE to do. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

What is it that holds you back? Why are you sometimes unsure of your own abilities or motivations? Good questions. And I want to share the answer with you.

Fear and self-imposed obstacles are the biggest enemies of goal attainment. Fear of failure, fear of success (as silly as that sounds), fear of embarrassment, fear of not knowing how, fear of making a mistake. Fear is a powerful beast and has the potential to rule your life if not overcome.

Recently I discovered an incredibly simple, but effective perspective on fear that has changed my life. Accepting this viewpoint makes all of the sense in the world. The confidence it has given to me is simply amazing.

My friend and mentor, Jennifer Powers, was recently hosting a discussion on the obstacles that prevent people from achieving greatness. Her view on fear was that “fear doesn’t come from the doing; fear comes from the being.”

KAPOW!! Let that sink in for a moment and you will see how powerful this perspective can be for you. Fear comes from the being. Hmmm. Really?

Yes, really. Fear comes from the being. Think about it. For most things in life, when you allow yourself to progress to the doing of a task or action, you are a rock star. You can do just about anything you set your mind to, assuming your mind lets you try. The being is the critical stage of rock starredness.

Placing yourself in the right state of mind and telling yourself “I can” often is the key to success. Don’t talk yourself out of it before you have the chance to try.

“I can make that putt”
“I am ready to take the test tomorrow”
“I can get out of bed and workout this morning”
“I am confident about the presentation I will give today”
“I can stand firm during the price negotiation for my new car”
“I will greet my new client today with confidence and a smile”

Focusing on what you need to “be” to make your goals possible will aid you in overcoming many mental obstacles. Perspective is a beautiful thing!

“I don’t know those two words.” This is one of my most favorite quotes. Any idea what those two words might be? Go ahead, take a guess. You got it?

The two words are “I CAN’T.” Enough said. Get rid of ‘em.

Let fear and concerns motivate you. Focus on the being and the doing will be amazing. Go Ahead and Dare To Be Amazing!

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