I Can’t Hear What You Are
you want your team members to be more accountable, start with making changes to
your own behavior. When you care for and support the people who report to you,
they will thrive and you will see more of the results you’re looking for.
of the following behaviors can make a significant difference in how you lead
your people and how well you assist them in being accountable. Some are on the
list because those who implement them achieve great results. Other behaviors
are here because they can be the things that are stopping or blocking folks
from achieving their next level of success.
1. Experiment and try new things – Complacency is not going to
get you where you need to go in this “post-Wall Street fiasco” age. Make
changes, and make it safe for your team to fail. As a result, they try new
things and get new, better results. How can you do this for your teams? How can
you get into the habit of trying new things?
2. Tell the absolute truth,
regardless –
I’m not calling you a liar. This is about being honest with yourself. Telling
the truth includes making sure that your thoughts, words and action (“TWA”) are
aligned. When your team members can see this integrity in everything you do and
say, they will walk through walls for you. If you say one thing and your actions
demonstrate another, it puts up walls between you.
3. Start being early for
everything –
I could have said, “Don’t be late,” but it’s important to frame our goals in a
positive light. When you’re late, you’re missing a big opportunity to set an
example for your team. This may mean redesigning how you spend your time.
4. Treat people much, much better – I recently heard a
suggestion that whenever you approach someone, whether at the checkout counter
in the grocery store or in a business meeting, that you should consciously
bring happiness, joy and laughter to the interaction. Try it the next time the
phone rings. Paste a big smile on your face and think about bringing happiness,
joy and laughter to whoever is calling.
5. Hold your
commitments, no matter how big or small – It’s that simple. When you have a task assigned to you,
get it done! And do it on time. Leading by example in this area is so, so
powerful. When you hold yourself accountable, others notice.
See, here's the thing. Changing
your own behavior in order to create more accountability in your workplace
might seem backwards, but it works. I’ve seen it demonstrated time and again.
Believe me. Or don’t believe me, but try these suggestions.
Lead by example and trust will follow. That has been my experience in
almost 20 years of being a leader and being in the company of leaders. Trust
Thanks and until next time, Go
Ahead, Dare to be Amazing!
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