So, did you ever experience this? You
are walking down the hall or through the plant or in the parking lot and
someone is walking towards you. Maybe you know them … or maybe not. Doesn't matter.
You are both going about your own business and then, when you get within about
25 feet of them, they completely divert their eyes away from you, look the
other way and try to act as if you don't exist.
Hello! I'm right over here!
Don't you see me? What's so hard about saying hello to me or even just giving
me an obligatory head nod, for gosh sake. Am I that repulsive?
These encounters bother me. Why can't
people just look at me and say hello, or good morning? Or for that matter, just
gimme a cave man grunt. Anything to let me know you acknowledge my being!
Personally, I never let people get
away with it. No matter how hard they are trying to ignore me, I will lift
their cloak of invisibility with a gleeful "good morning" or
"how's it going" just to shake them up. And maybe, just maybe, next
time I see them they won't be so intent on acting like they can't see me.
Does this happen to you? Bugs the
crap outta me. I see it as a chance to make a new acquaintance.
See, here’s the thing. You just never know what positive can come from just saying
hello to someone. Just shaking them out of their funk to elicit a reaction.
"Hey, I'm right over here!" I have ignited many new casual
relationships just by saying good morning to someone who I didn't previously
know very well. And it amazes me every time.
As a leader, having even that casual
relationship with those that work for you and those that work around you is a
key to success. It shows you care. It shows you are authentic. And it shows
that you can relate. Authenticity and trust are hallmarks of a leader that
makes a difference through the eyes of those they serve.
Say hello … ask how they are doing
today … let them know they have cool shoes on … talk about last night's Pens
game. Just be real and make a connection. The rewards will come back to you in
spades over time.
I was told once by a consultant
friend that he can always tell when he is on a plant tour with a leader how
connected that leader is with the employees working in the plant. When they
enter a work area, if all of the employees look away and act busy, there is
little connection with the leader. But if the employees are inviting and greet
the leader and his/her guests, then my friend concludes that the leader is well
liked and has a relationship with the employees. Make sense? Does to me. It
jives with my experiences, too.
Give people a reason to connect with
you. It can all start with one little hello.
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