Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Be Your Own Hero

When I was a young man growing up in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, I had two people in my life that I looked up to and idolized – my father Tom and my godfather Uncle Gene. To me, they were the coolest guys on the planet and I wanted to be just like them. In a word, they were my heroes.

I suspect everyone has had those people in their lives that have influenced the person they have become. Maybe even you have had a hero or two in your day.

The official definition of a hero is “a person that is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements or noble qualities.” Seems like pretty big shoes to fill when it is put that way! Super Heroes, Astronauts, Athletes, Famous People, Performers are all seen as heroes in modern society. Is that really how it should be?

See, here’s the thing. I get the fact that we need external influences in our lives and careers to be our best. New ideas, encouragement, love, patience, mentoring: these all contribute. It is how we learn and make decisions. However, I believe that the person with the most power over your courage, your achievements and your noble qualities is … drum roll please … YOU.

There … I said it. It’s okay – no, recommended – that YOU be your own hero. Won’t that be simply amazing?!


Throughout my life, I have often said, “When I grow up, I wanna be just like me.” And I believe in that still today. If you don’t believe in yourself … if you don’t see in yourself the YOU that makes you feel invincible, then I guess you have some work to do.

Why try to be like someone else? They are already filling that role!

Why can’t you be the one achieving new outcomes in your life or career? What is holding you back from being the best YOU that is possible?

Danica Patrick, female NASCAR driver in the Sprint Cup Series, described it really well when she first entered the top ranks of stock car racing: “I don’t want to be the next them. I want to be the first me!” BAZINGA!!

You can achieve. You can have courage. You can have qualities that stand out. YOU can BE YOUR OWN HERO!

And it all starts when you make the decision that it is time to get on with the doin’. One goal at a time … one step at a time … and one victory celebration at a time.

I used to just watch NASCAR and then I became a racecar driver. I used to admire the Ironman Triathletes and then I decided to do a triathlon of my own. I used to wonder what it would be like to be a leader and I worked hard at being one that made a difference. And I used to wonder what life as an entrepreneur would be like and here I am!

It is a mindset and a perspective that when adopted will give you permission to be bold with your goals and to let the world know who you are about to become.

There is always room in your life for people who you admire and those that influence your actions and outcomes. Collectively they are your pool of knowledge and your guiding light. And know that you can be a hero, too!

Say GO instead of I Don’t Know
Be BOLD instead of Ice Cold
Be a TRIER as opposed to a Stand Byer


And, BTW, to this day, I still hold my dad and Uncle Gene as my heroes. And because of their lasting influence on my life and who I have become, they have shown me that I can also be my own hero. Thanks guys!!

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