Wednesday, January 14, 2015


What do you want to be when you grow up? As a kid, this question stirred up dreams of being a doctor or an astronaut or a pilot. Maybe even a ballerina or a policeman or firefighter. That kid always had an amazing vision of what their career would look like. So … umm … what happened along the way?

Life happened … that’s what! And when it comes to the careers and motivations that you have you can either just “let it happen” or you can make a choice to take charge of the direction things are taking. Yep, I said make a choice.

See, here’s the thing. Regardless of what your boss and the HR department tell you, or what you want to believe, no one cares more about your career than you do. Do you get that? No one has the passion for your career and your destiny at any higher level than you do. Maybe there are those rare exceptions, but in general this is true. I repeat … no one cares more about your career … your advancement … your sense of challenge and self worth … than YOU do.


If there is a really cool project in the making, go ahead and dare to ask to be involved. Or maybe even ask to lead the project. I remember asking if I could lead a project one time in my career and it was pivotal!! Thanks Jim for believing in me on that project.

When you start feeling like you can contribute more or want to shift your focus, bring the subject up with you boss and coworkers. They can’t read your mind ya know!

If an opportunity is presented to you that sounds like it could be way cool, at least give yourself permission to explore it and discover how amazing it just might be for you.

There are no wrong answers here when it comes to talking about what you think you might want to do.

And guess what, in your role as a leader or as the head of a household, the same applies to the folks you serve. I encourage to push those around you to play the lead role in driving their careers and their dreams instead of them relying on you to wave your wand and make it all happen for them. Coach them through why they must have the initiative, how they can make that possible and what benefits they can expect when they take charge.

I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do half of the things I did in my corporate career if I didn’t believe I was the one who cared the most about my career. No doubt I was blessed by working for and with people who were willing to take risks on a guy who cheated to get out of college. The fact is when I asked if I could try something bold, I was always rewarded for my courage, my drive and my intensity.

And you can enjoy these same results as well. Do you believe that?

Be intentional … be curious … be stubborn … wonder … and then put one foot in front of the other because winning is all in front of you. What lies behind you is merely an input – the past doesn’t define who you are as a person, a parent, a leader, an employer, a coach or … a friend.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Sit in the driver’s seat and there is no telling where YOU might take YOU!

Your life (and your business) becomes amazing when you do. And your life is happening right here, right now. Make it amazing – I dare ya!

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