Wednesday, January 1, 2014

5 Lessons Learned from Mrs. Claus

In last year’s holiday season newsletter, I wrote about the Seven Lessons I Learned From Santa Claus. It highlighted some meaningful ways to live a successful life. And, it was fun!

This year, I am gonna follow the theme but with a twist. I am going to take a look at lessons to be learned from the other North polian … err, North poleite … umm,  North poler… ah, whatever. The other lovable character we know who is always dressed in red … Mrs. Claus.

Trivia question: Anyone know the first name of Mrs. Claus? If you don’t know, I’ll tell ya at the end of the newsletter.

Santa and his team have been bringing Christmas cheer to billions of people every year for a long time. How does he make the whole thing work? And what lessons can we learn from his spousal unit, who has been by his side for hundreds of years?

Well, I think I’ve got part of their magic figured out. At least I think I do…

See, here’s the thing. Sometimes the best lessons in life come from the most unusual of circumstances. And I think we can agree that everything that surrounds the Claus clan is unusual by our mortal standards. Giving yourself permission to explore the true magical takeaways from Santa and the misses could change your life.

So let’s explore five lessons learned from Mrs. Claus at the workshop way up on top of the world.

Being in The Spotlight Isn’t Necessary. Sometimes working behind the scenes is more rewarding and effective than being the main player in the spotlight. Supporting those around you and the goals at hand can be where the real power lies. And it’s one jolly good way to build trust and confidence with all on the team, including the big guy.

Everyone Needs an Accountability Partner. No matter who you are or what your role is in business or in life, you are not successful solely because of yourself. Tiger Woods is surrounded by coaches. The astronauts in the International Space Station have the folks in Houston. And, Archie Bunker had Edith. Mrs. Claus helps Santa stay on schedule, she is in charge of managing the naughty and nice list and she ensures that St. Nick is always looking his Christmas best. He needs her and he wouldn’t be who he is without Mrs. Claus. She keeps him on track and on task.

If the Mrs. Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy. See, legend has it that Mrs. Claus is the factory manager for the elves at the North Pole. And if she is not having a good time and feeling like she makes a difference, there will be many unhappy little folks around the world when they don’t get what was requested of Santa. Mrs. Claus is a great example of what happens when a leader (Santa, in this case) ensures the team knows the plan and the expectations. A leader’s success is built on the backs of those that support them. Treat the team with respect and gratitude, and the results will be amazing.

Joy Comes From Seeing Others Succeed. She is so giving and so supportive and then sooo happy when that fat dude flies away and leaves her to enjoy some solitude for a night. Ya know, that incessant Ho Ho Ho’ing’s gotta get old after a while. Her job is done for another year and she can smile because she knows her efforts directly aided in making Santa a raving success. That feels good and in my experience it lasts a long time. Helping others to achieve their goals and your collective aspirations sometimes should be reward enough.

Ladies Dig Short Stocky Guys with Long Beards. It’s a great look if I say so myself. Not everyone can pull it off, but dang it’s a good look. Not everyone could be Mrs. Claus and the lesson to be learned here is that there is a mate out there for everyone. Whether it’s a soul mate, a business partner or a coach, staying open minded and not settling is a recipe for success. And, by the way, for those who haven’t seen me in a while, I am a short stocky guy with a long beard. LOL!!

I’ve strapped on the Santa suit dozens of times in my life for the enjoyment of thousands of children. Every time it is a special experience. And guess what, I wouldn’t be so jolly without my Mrs. Claus by my side.

Look around you this holiday season and notice the lessons to be learned. Embrace the true magic and miracles of Christmas and honor them in your life. And share those newfound joys with anyone who will listen. Santa is watching, so make him proud.

So, do you know the first name of Mrs. Claus yet? Well, if not, here it is for you. Her official full name is Mrs. Jessica Mary Claus. See, ya learned somethin’ new today. Ole Jessie Claus!

Your life becomes amazing when you do. And your life is happening right here, right now. Make it amazing – I dare ya!

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