Tuesday, November 12, 2013

But I Don't Wanna Grow Up

Do you remember when you were a kid and you thought you could do anything? I do. When I was a kid I wanted to be a pilot, an astronaut and a paramedic. And I was certain I was capable of being any or all of them. Why wouldn’t I be?

Kids dream big because they can, because they have never been introduced to Doctor Failure. Young people truly believe they can be and achieve anything in the world.

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could be like that his or her entire life? Now that would be amazing.

Somehow adults too often lose their ability to dream (big or small) – it’s too risky! Failure sucks and who wants to be labeled a loser? Shooting for the stars is for daredevils and they can have it.

But see, here’s the thing. There are two ways to view this topic. It’s a battle of being critical versus being curious. You can either find every reason why you shouldn’t try something new or take a risk. Or you can be curious about what it would take and how it would feel to accomplish something way cool. It’s a choice … and the amazing thing is that it is your choice. Yep, your choice.

Goals and desires come in all shapes and sizes. As a society we tend to only celebrate the great and ginormous achievements. That’s not OK with me. Every achievement, if it is meaningful to you, must be celebrated. You gotta celebrate! Revel in how it feels and let everyone know!

Like Francesca Battistelli sings in her hit, “It’s your life … whatcha gonna do? The world is watching you. Everyday, the choices you make say what you are and who your heart beats for. 
This is your opportunity to let your life be one that lights the way … to live the way that you believe.”

Want proof? Think of the person that you know that is the happiest person you have ever met. Guess what? They continue to dream every day and look for opportunities to celebrate, even the smallest of things. See what I mean?

You don’t have to be a special athlete or anything to be amazing. Write a book or a letter to the editor! Call an old friend! Ask someone out on a date! Open that bottle of wine you have been saving “for a special occasion.” Go to Disney World. Learn to ballroom dance. Sign up for an IMPROV course. Take a pottery class. Rent a canoe for a day at Moraine State Park and paddle til ya puke! OK, maybe not until you puke, but you know what I mean. PEOPLE, JUST GET SOME MOTION STARTED!

So what opportunities will you go after? And just as important, why?

When you cultivate an attitude of curiosity, doors open and adventures begin; questions lead to new possibilities. It’s really very cool …

So, here is your homework. Today – yes, today – take 5 minutes and write down one goal. One goal that is intentional, purposeful and meaningful. A goal that once you achieve it, not only will it be amazing but it will also make you feel amazing! Do it – write it down and then commit to it. Hang in on your fridge or your bathroom mirror as a reminder. And … share it with anyone who will listen.

Because, guess what? YOU ARE AMAZING!

Your life is happening right here, right now. Make it amazing – I dare ya!

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